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 1 /** Based on OOUI's **/
 2 /* Prompt */
 3 .rsw-color-scheme-prompt {
 4 	position: absolute;
 5 	border: 1px solid var(--ooui-interface-border);
 6 	border-radius: 2px;
 7 	filter: drop-shadow(0 2px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3));
 8 	background-color: var(--ooui-interface);
 9 	display: flex;
10 	flex-direction: column;
11 	z-index: 100;
12 	line-height: 1.42857143em;
13 	padding: 0px 12px;
14 	width: 300px;
15 	box-sizing: border-box;
16 }
17 /* Arrow (border) */
18 .rsw-color-scheme-prompt:before {
19 	content: '';
20 	position:  absolute;
21 	top: -10px;
22 	left: 140px;
23 	height: 0px;
24 	border: 10px solid transparent;
25 	border-bottom-color: var(--ooui-interface-border);
26 	border-top: 0;
27 	z-index: 9000;
28 }
29 /* Arrow */
30 .rsw-color-scheme-prompt:after {
31 	content: '';
32 	position:  absolute;
33 	top: -9px;
34 	left: 141px;
35 	height: 0px;
36 	border: 9px solid transparent;
37 	border-bottom-color: var(--ooui-interface);
38 	border-top: 0;
39 	z-index: 9000;
40 }