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Near-Reality's Wilderness Vault

Wilderness Vault

In this section we'll be going over the Wilderness Vaults description, locations, and strategies!

What's behind those locked Vault Doors?

The Angel of Death is a successor to the original Nex! Here within the walls of the Wilderness Vault you will find the Angel of Death awaiting to fight all adventerurs that dare to enter. However, it's not just the Angel of Death you need to worry about... the Angel of Death's minion Angels are in full force to support her fight against all players. They will be healing her and fighting you back as you fight to exit the Vault alive, although... if you do she may not be the last of your worries as you'll still need to make it home with the loot from the chest as you enter back into the wilderness and tele-blocked from the Vault.


27 Obelisk Wilderness Vault

27ObeliskING.png 27ObeliskMap.png

Chaos Altar Wilderness Vault

ChaosAltarING.png ChaosAltarMap.png

Edgeville Wilderness Vault

EdgevilleING.png EdgevilleMap.png

Ferox Enclave Wilderness Vault

FeroxEnclaveING.png FeroxEnclaveMap.png

Ice Plateau Wilderness Vault

IcePlateauING.png IcePlateauMap.png

Mage Arena Wilderness Vault

MageArenaING.png MageArenaMap.png
