Home Area

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Home Area and ShopsEdit

In the center of Edgeville is the active bank area and functional Grand Exchange for Near-Reality. It is where you will be spawning after account creation and selecting your Gamemode/XP rate! This is your initial set ::home!


In the North-West of edgeville, you will find the shops! Offered here is the: Melee Store, Ranged Store, Mage Store, Consumables Store, Tools Store, General Store, Herblore Store, Zahur (Decant, Clean, Crush, Unfinished Pots), Magic Storage Unit, Repair Stand, and your Challenges Headmaster.


In the South-West corner of Edgeville, you will find your Slayer Masters. Turael, Mazchna, Vannaka, Chaelder, Konar quo Maten, Nieve, Duradel, and even Sumona for bossing slayer!

  • NOTE: Krystilia (Wilderness Slayer) is located in the North-East corner of edgeville closest to the ditch leading into the wilderness.


In the North-East Corner you will find the Blood Money Shop! Included here are: The Ironman Tutor, Emblem Trader (Blood Money Shop), Wise Donation Man (Claims Votes/Donations), Mac (Skill/Max Cape), Watson (Master Clues), Frank (Loyalty/Vote Shop), and on the external South-West corner of the Shop you will find Skully and the Loot Chest where you can purchase Loot Keys for pking.


On the East Side of Edgeville, you will find the Miscellaneous building. This contains a cooking range, a sink, an anvil, a furnace, clay oven, Dwarf Cannon Manager. Lined up on the outside walls of this building are your Makeover Mage, Teleport Manager, Pet Insurance, God Books Store, Shooting Star Store, Contribution Well (GP Sink), and Lottery Master!


Just South of the Miscellaneous building and in the South-East corner of Edgeville you will find our AFK zone! Here you will be able to AFK many skills such as: Firemaking, Farming, Crafting, Thieving, Fishing, Woodcutting, Smithing, Mining, Agility, and Runecrafting! You will gain afk time by using the ::vote command, voting, and then using ::claim in game! You can make 200k + experience/hour!