
Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.

  • Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
  • Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: Press Ctrl-F5.
  1 ;(function($, mw){
  2 	if ($('.navbox').length <= 0) return;
  3 	var LOADING = false;
  4 	function trackNavboxClick(event) {
  5 		var $e = $(event.currentTarget),
  6 		    pagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName'),
  7 		    href,
  8 		    navbox,
  9 		    link_type = ['link'],
 10 		    click_type,
 11 		    data;
 12 		href = $e.attr('href');
 13 		navbox = $e.parents('.navbox[data-navbox-name]');
 14 		if (navbox.length<1) {
 15 			// missing name, template not propagated - skip
 16 			return;
 17 		}
 18 		navbox = navbox.attr('data-navbox-name');
 19 		if ($e.find('img').length>0) {
 20 			link_type.push('image');
 21 			if ($e.parent().is('span.inventory-image')) {
 22 				link_type.push('inventory');
 23 			}
 24 			if ($e.parent().is('span.chathead-link')) {
 25 				link_type.push('chathead');
 26 			}
 27 		}
 28 		if ($e.parents('th.navbox-title').length>0) {
 29 			link_type.push('navboxtitle');
 30 		}
 31 		if ($e.parent().is('td.navbox-group-title')) {
 32 			link_type.push('navboxgrouptitle');
 33 			link_type.push('navboxgroup-'+$e.parents('tr.navbox-group').length)
 34 		}
 35 		if ($e.parents('div.navbar').length>0) {
 36 			link_type.push('navbar');
 37 		}
 38 		if ($e.parents('sup').length>0) {
 39 			link_type.push('sup');
 40 		}
 41 		if ($e.parents('sub').length>0) {
 42 			link_type.push('sub');
 43 		}
 44 		switch (event.which) {
 45 			case 1:
 46 				click_type = 'left';
 47 				if (!(event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey)) {
 48 					$e.attr({'x-href': href, 'x-leftclicked':'1'}).removeAttr('href');
 49 				}
 50 				break;
 51 			case 2:
 52 				click_type = 'middle';
 53 				break;
 54 			case 3:
 55 				click_type = 'right';
 56 				break;
 57 			default:
 58 				click_type = 'other: '+event.which;
 59 		}
 60 		if (event.shiftKey) {
 61 			click_type += '-shift';
 62 		}
 63 		if (event.ctrlKey) {
 64 			click_type += '-control';
 65 		}
 66 		if (event.altKey) {
 67 			click_type += '-alt';
 68 		}
 69 		if (event.metaKey) {
 70 			click_type += '-meta';
 71 		}
 72 		data = {
 73 				page: pagename,
 74 				link: href,
 75 				navbox: navbox,
 76 				'type': link_type.join(' '),
 77 				click: click_type,
 78 				wiki: mw.config.get('wgDBname')
 79 		};
 80 		console.log('Sending navbox click data:', data);
 81 		var req = $.ajax('', {
 82 			method: 'POST',
 83 			data: data
 84 		});
 85 		req.done(function(d, s, xhr){
 86 			console.log('Data (success): ', d, s, xhr);
 87 			if (click_type === 'left' && $e.attr('x-leftclicked') === '1') {
 88 				$e.attr({'href':$e.attr('x-href'), 'x-leftclicked':'0'});
 89 				$e.get(0).click();
 90 			}
 91 		});
 92, s, xhr){
 93 			console.log('Data (fail): ', d, s, xhr);
 94 			if (click_type === 'left' && $e.attr('x-leftclicked') === '1') {
 95 				$e.attr({'href':$e.attr('x-href'), 'x-leftclicked':'0'});
 96 				$e.get(0).click();
 97 			}
 98     	});
 99 	}
100 	function init(){
101 		$('.navbox a[href]').on('mousedown', trackNavboxClick);
102 	}
103 	$(init);
104 })(jQuery, mw);