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1 /**
2 * Adapted from
3 */
5 mw.loader.using( ['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'ext.gadget.skinTogglesNew'] ).then( function () {
7 function padWithZeroes( num ) {
8 // Pad a number with zeroes. The number must be an integer where
9 // 0 <= num < 100.
10 return num < 10 ? '0' + num.toString() : num.toString();
11 }
13 function showTime( $target ) {
14 var now = new Date();
16 // Set the time.
17 var hh = now.getUTCHours();
18 var mm = now.getUTCMinutes();
19 var time = padWithZeroes( hh ) + ':' + padWithZeroes( mm );
20 $target.text( time );
22 // Schedule the next time change.
23 //
24 // We schedule the change for 100 ms _after_ the next clock tick. The delay
25 // from setTimeout is not precise, and if we aim exactly for the tick, there
26 // is a chance that the function will run slightly before it. If this
27 // happens, we will display the same time for two seconds in a row - not
28 // good. By scheduling 100 ms after the tick, we will always be about 100 ms
29 // late, but we are also very likely to display a new time every second.
30 var ms = now.getUTCMilliseconds();
31 setTimeout( function () {
32 showTime( $target );
33 }, 1100 - ms );
34 }
36 function liveClock() {
37 // Set CSS styles. We do this here instead of on the CSS page because some
38 // wikis load this page directly, without loading the accompanying CSS.
39 mw.util.addCSS( '#utcdate a { font-weight:bolder; font-size:120% !important; }' );
41 // Reset whitespace that was set in the peer CSS gadget; this prevents the
42 // effect of the p-personal menu jumping to the left when the JavaScript
43 // loads.
44 $( '.client-js > #p-personal ul' ).css( 'margin-left', 'initial' );
46 //if (mw.config.get('wgUserName') == null) { // user is not logged in
47 // prependElement = '#pt-anonuserpage'
48 //} else {
49 // prependElement = '#pt-userpage'
50 //}
51 prependElement = '#pt-skin-toggles';
52 // Add the portlet link.
53 var node = mw.util.addPortletLink(
54 'p-personal', // portletId
55 '#', // href
56 '', // text
57 'utcdate', // id
58 'The current UTC time', // tooltip
59 '', // accesskey
60 prependElement // nextnode
61 );
62 if ( !node ) {
63 return;
64 }
66 /*
67 // Purge the page when the clock is clicked. We have to do this through the
68 // API, as purge URLs now make people click through a confirmation screen.
69 $( node ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
70 new mw.Api().post( { action: 'purge', titles: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) } ).then( function () {
71 location.reload();
72 }, function () {
73 mw.notify( 'Purge failed', { type: 'error' } );
74 } );
75 e.preventDefault();
76 } );
77 */
79 // Show the clock.
80 showTime( $( node ).find( 'a:first' ) );
81 }
83 $( liveClock );
84 } );