Revision as of 19:37, 6 November 2022 by (talk) (Created page with "--<nowiki> local p = {} local maps = require('Module:Map').buildMap function p.temps(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local ctype = frame.args['ctype'] or 'compass' return p._compscan(args, ctype) end function p.convertDegMin(ns, ndeg, nmin, ew, edeg, emin) if string.lower(ns) == 'n' or string.lower(ns) == 'north' then ns = -1 end if not tonumber(ns) then ns = 1 end if string.lower(ew) == 'w' or string.lower(ew) == 'west' then ew = -1 end if n...")
Module documentation
This documentation is transcluded from Module:Clues/doc. [edit] [history] [purge]
Module:Clues requires Module:Map.
Creates the table rows (and pins) for compass and scan type clues.
--<nowiki> local p = {} local maps = require('Module:Map').buildMap function p.temps(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local ctype = frame.args['ctype'] or 'compass' return p._compscan(args, ctype) end function p.convertDegMin(ns, ndeg, nmin, ew, edeg, emin) if string.lower(ns) == 'n' or string.lower(ns) == 'north' then ns = -1 end if not tonumber(ns) then ns = 1 end if string.lower(ew) == 'w' or string.lower(ew) == 'west' then ew = -1 end if not tonumber(ew) then ew = 1 end local x = ew * (32 * edeg + math.ceil(emin * 8 / 15)) + 2440 local y = ns * (32 * ndeg + math.ceil(nmin * 8 / 15)) + 3161 return {x,y} end function p.coords(frame) local coordconv = p.convertDegMin local args = frame.args -- not parent local _coordstr = args[1] local coordstr = string.lower(args[1]) local img = args[2] local oldcoords = {} if string.find(coordstr, 'degree') then local i = 0 for degstring in mw.ustring.gmatch(coordstr, '%d%d%s*degree' ) do local num = mw.ustring.match(degstring, '%d%d') if i == 0 then oldcoords.ndeg = num else oldcoords.edeg = num end i = i + 1 end i = 0 for minstring in mw.ustring.gmatch(coordstr, '%d%d%s*minutes' ) do local num = mw.ustring.match(minstring, '%d%d') if i == 0 then oldcoords.nmin = num else oldcoords.emin = num end i = i + 1 end if string.find(coordstr, 'north') then oldcoords.ns = 1 else oldcoords.ns = -1 end if string.find(coordstr, 'east') then oldcoords.ew = 1 else oldcoords.ew = -1 end else local i = 0 for degmin in mw.ustring.gmatch(coordstr, '%d%d%.%d%d' ) do if i == 0 then oldcoords.ndeg = mw.ustring.match(degmin, '%d%d%.') oldcoords.nmin = mw.ustring.match(degmin, '%.%d%d') else oldcoords.edeg = mw.ustring.match(degmin, '%d%d%.') oldcoords.emin = mw.ustring.match(degmin, '%.%d%d') end i = i + 1 end if string.find(coordstr, 'N') then oldcoords.ns = 1 else oldcoords.ns = -1 end if string.find(coordstr, 'E') then oldcoords.ew = 1 else oldcoords.ew = -1 end end local converted, coords = pcall(coordconv, oldcoords.ns, oldcoords.ndeg, oldcoords.nmin, oldcoords.ew, oldcoords.edeg, oldcoords.emin) if not converted then return 'invalid coordinates '..tostring(coords) end local desc = _coordstr..'<br>('..coords[1]..','..coords[2]..')<br>[[File:'..img..']]' local margs = { x = coords[1], y = coords[2], mapID = 28, plane = 0, zoom = 2, group = 'cclue'..coords[1]..coords[2], etype = 'maplink', text = 'Show on map', features = 'pin', iconWikiLink = 'Clue_Scroll_Pin-02.svg', iconSize = {26,42}, iconAnchor = {13,42}, popupAnchor = {0,-42}, pins = { {x=coords[1], y=coords[2], title='Coordinate clue location', description=desc} } } return maps({string.format("%s,%s", margs.x, margs.y), text = "Show on map"}) end return p --</nowiki>