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//css for mainpage announcement pill

   .announcement {
       margin: .5em 0 1.5em;
       a {
           background: @black-haze;
           border: 1px solid @mystic;
           color: @shuttle-gray;
           font-size: .9em;
           line-height: 1.25em;
           padding: .25em .75em;
           border-radius: 10em;
           transition: .25s ease;
           display: inline-flex; // vertically center the pill
           align-items: center;
           &:hover {
               text-decoration: none;
               box-shadow: @box-shadow;
       .announcement-pill {
           background: @lima;
           color: @white;
           font-size: .85em;
           font-weight: bold;
           text-transform: uppercase;
           border-radius: 10em;
           padding: .1em .6em;
           margin: 0 .5em 0 -0.5em;
       .arrow.dark {
           margin-left: .5em;
           filter: invert(50%);